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Archive for April 2011

The Front That Shall Not Be Named

Your government in action: Running guns to Mexican drug gangs, looking the other way as U.S. banks launder their money. Plus… Variation on the dollar index hits all-time low, Fed goes all Alfred E. Neuman on us: What you need to do now Read More

Lather, Rinse, Repeat

Bernanke opens his yap: Stocks, oil, gold hit new highs, dollar hits new lows. Plus… Lather, rinse, repeat: What happens after QE2 winds down Read More

The Fed’s Newspeak

Truth, Gitmo and monetary policy… The 5 previews Ben Bernanke’s first press conference. Plus… How the Fed tries to have it both ways, why it can’t and how you can prepare for when reality hits Read More

Is the Country Ready Now?

Time for another tussle? Ron Paul to announce “exploratory committee”… Meanwhile, what are they are smoking in Washington? Plus…

“Within a hair of a double dip”: Case-Shiller delivers “worst” housing numbers on several fronts Read More

No Passport For You?

by Dave Gonigam – April 25, 2011 Busybody Alert: State Department wants to know all your former addresses and employers before handing out a passport "A ridiculous notion"… It's Doug Casey's turn to take a whack at the "gold is… Read More

Dollar Freefall

Dollar index breaks below 74: the rumor that could send it to the woodshed. Plus… Abe Cofnas on a pivotal week next week, and trades that could help you profit Read More

Yeah, That’ll Solve Everything

The one and only solution to the crushing national debt, as discovered by 72% of Americans… and why it won’t work.

Plus: Chinese credit agency, central bank, Treasury all dump on D.C.’s management of the dollar Read More

Gold $1500

More debt and deficit dismay? Gold touches $1500. Turk, Faber, Mayer weigh in on the dollar, the debt, precious metals, and how to play the coming volatility. Read More

“Negative” Outlook? Oh No!

S&P, kicking and screaming, downgrades U.S. “outlook”, but defends AAA. Plus… Dollar defies S&P to rally, as euro-ugly comes back into vogue; Gold zooms to an all-new high as a Texas endowment piles in Read More

Financial No-Man’s Land

Gold back near record levels, as upper-middle-class Chinese look for a new place to park cash. Plus… Doug Casey with advice on surviving in a “financial no-man’s land” Read More