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Archive for December 2014

5 Min. Forecast – 2015: The Year the Innovators are Unshackled

2015: The year of unprecedented innovation in biotech… and unprecedented profits, made possible by an event no one sees coming… benefiting patients, doctors and investors alike Read More

Fire Sale In Progress

Three years of profits from the world’s most boring financial crisis. Plus: The chart that says everything about the housing market at year-end 2014 Read More

Real Companies With Real Profits

How’s that “golden age” looking? We examine one of our team’s biggest calls of 2014. Plus: One drug… a universe of 415,000 cancer patients… and $5 billion in potential sales Read More

5 Min. Forecast – A Holiday Farce

North Korean malice or… a brilliant marketing stunt? Standing up for freedom by sitting your butt down in a movie theater… Really? Why the Saudi princes let oil prices fall through the floor “How bad can it get?” Byron King… Read More

The Anti-Dollar Alliance

China offers aid to Russia: Another dent in the dollar’s armor. Plus… What it looks like when the dollar loses reserve-currency statusm, and what to do Read More

When Hollywood and Government Conspire

How the State Department aided a “tawdry and juvenile” venture. Plus: If North Korea really did hack Sony, then what? Read More

“Can We Talk?”

If Jim Rickards is right, is it time to head for the hills? Plus: Conflicting advice from newsletter editors… and how to evaluate it Read More

A Profitable Cuban Play… and More Where It Came From

A 5 emendation: CUBA the fund is a good play on Cuba the nation. Plus, cigars, Cuban and otherwise, as an asset class Read More

You Can Profit From a Currency War

That didn’t take long: Russia’s “calm and collected” central bank chief cracks. Plus: If the bankers can make money from currency wars, why shouldn’t you? Read More

Profits From the “Patent Cliff”

The tiny drugmaker that delivered 880%… and the one set to repeat the feat. Plus: The ruble’s collapse, and the dangers of Western powers poking the Russian bear Read More