Budget Insanity, FOMC Down-Low, Oil Sands Investing and More!

by Addison Wiggin & Ian Mathias

  • Government budget hits all-time insanity… record monthly, year-to-date deficits
  • “Cash for clunkers” helps GM, but not economy… July retail sales stage surprise fall
  • Fed plans exit strategy, ends bond buys… why the FOMC is still not helping you
  • Byron King’s crude reality: How Canada could be the next Saudi Arabia


  It’s official: Our government ran a record $180.7 billion over budget in July, the Treasury Department said today. That’s just a bit over Wall Street expectations and just under the Congressional Budget Office estimate we reported Monday. Thus the government tab so far this fiscal year is a record $1.27 trillion, not the record $1.3 trillion the CBO guessed earlier this week. Phew… what a relief.

A few more scary details:

  • The budget deficit is still on track to exceed $1.8 trillion by October, the end of the fiscal year. That would be four times last year’s record budget
  • July spending rose to over $332.2 billion, an all-time high
  • Government revenues fell 5.6% from last June, to $151 billion
  • Those revenues have been lower than the same month the year before for 15 straight months.

  And we doubt Uncle Sam will get much help from tax revenues anytime soon… even “cash for clunkers” couldn’t save American retail sales in July. The Commerce Department’s July retail sales number shocked the Street this morning, down 0.1%, despite expectations of a 0.8% rise.

The government’s cleverly acronymed Car Allowance Rebate System (CARS) program did help — without auto sales, the retail gauge would have fallen 0.6%. But the lowly consumer has made his point: Even with free money deals from Uncle Sam, retail is not ready to “get back on track,” as the Obama administration likes to say. In fact, even if the Street’s wish came true, we’d still be a long way from the old status quo.

  In a similar vein, Wal-Mart’s latest sales numbers missed expectations this morning. While still profitable, the world’s biggest retailer saw same-store sales fall 1.2% in the second quarter — well below the Street’s forecast of a 1% rise.

Interestingly, Wal-Mart enjoyed 13 straight months of better same-store sales from April 2008-April 2009. Then they suddenly stopped reporting monthly sales and switched to quarterly. Now, in their first quarterly report, sales are down. Hmm… must be a coincidence. 

  We don’t blame Joe Consumer for resisting retail, even “everyday low prices.” After all, another 558,000 Americans filed for unemployment for the first time last week. Initial claims rose by 4,000, says the Labor Department today. 6.2 million people are now receiving unemployment benefits.

  U.S. foreclosures rose to another record high in June, says RealtyTrac today. One in 355 households, or about 360,000 homes, were in some form of foreclosure during the month. As we mentioned yesterday, roughly one quarter of all mortgages are worth more than the present value of the homes they cover.

That’s not good for the average home price, down 15% last quarter to $174,100 (existing single-family home).

Well, at least troubled homeowners can count on the Fed to keeping pinning down refi rates… Uh-oh:

  Mark your calendars… the Fed has promised to stop manipulating the bond market by October.

That’s the meat of the news from yesterday’s Federal Open Market Committee meeting. They will “gradually slow” the pace of its official Treasury purchases, but the $300 billion program will now run through October instead of ending in September, as the Fed had previously scheduled.

(Of course, as our friend Chuck Butler often points out, that’s just the official word. The Fed has other ways to skin this cat. For example, they’re rumored to be striking deals with primary dealers for post-auction purchases. Instead of making official bond purchases at the auction, the Fed will have a primary dealer buy the bonds and then sell them to the Fed… same debt monetization, but without that pesky “transparency” and media attention.)

Outside of the Treasury bond announcement, the FOMC statement was about what you’d expect: Interest rates were left at 0% and will remain “exceptionally low” for an “extended period.” While “economic activity is leveling out,” it will “likely remain weak for some time.” And, of course, “inflation will remain subdued for some time.”

  “The Fed doesn’t exist to help you,” says our currency man Bill Jenkins.

“Central banks do not exist for the good of economies. They do not exist for the good of citizens. Their sole purpose is to keep the game going, and to profit from it as long as possible. After that, they clear out, leaving the taxpayers to pay off their debts. Their protection and enhancement of economies and citizens is just a means to an end. As long as it helps the profits roll in, helping others is fine. But in the end, they will foist responsibility to others.

“For us, we will trade with all this in mind as each bank assesses its role in the global finance arena… knowing that they will begin raising rates as soon as possible, and sometimes even before. When they do, it will give us huge opportunities to profit. Rising rates almost always guarantee soaring currencies.

“Particularly I would look for the U.S. dollar, Europe, Aussie and United Kingdom. Australia will provide the real runaway as long as China can get some exports up and running. If this recovery gets some legs (which is still problematic in my mind), they already have the upper hand with an interest rate multiple times higher than the others.”

Will you profit from this trend? Have Bill help you reap the benefits by checking out Master FX options Trader.

  The Fed’s announcement hit just about every market… bonds, stocks, currencies and commodities.

  No surprise that the Fed’s announcement hurt bond prices. Not only did they forecast the end of their official purchases, but that “leveling out” talk also hints of higher interest rates, and thus lower bond prices. The yield on a 10-year jumped as much as 10 basis points, to 3.7%, on the news. But this morning it’s already given it back on the heels of the latest retail and jobless numbers.

  Stocks rallied in advance of the FOMC meeting in expectation of some kind of good news. Up 1.3% before the announcement, the S&P 500 seemed content with the Fed’s lilywhite forecast and finished up 1.2%.

  The dollar was perhaps yesterday’s biggest loser. That brief “good for the economy, good for the dollar” trade from last Friday is dead in the water. Traders took no comfort in the Fed’s soothing announcement and bid the dollar index down a full point, to 78.2 as we write.

  Thus commodities are on the up and up. Gold’s up about $10, to $957 an ounce. Oil gained a buck and is now just below $71 a barrel.

  “I had the unique opportunity,” writes Byron King, “to tour two different oil sands operations near Fort McMurray, in northern Alberta. I saw a massive open-pit oil sands mine, and the associated reclamation effort, operated by Syncrude Canada Ltd. I also visited an in situ oil sands recovery project called Surmont, operated by ConocoPhillips.

“When we think about the concept of ’Peak Oil’ today, we need to keep in mind what we’re talking about. The curves show oil output peaking in so many parts of the world. This phenomenon is quite real, as long as you understand that it’s the light, sweet, easy-flowing oil that is getting harder and harder to find, certainly in significant quantity.

“But there are a lot of other hydrocarbon molecules out there. Most of those molecules are not light, sweet crude oil. Indeed, most of the hydrocarbon molecules that the world will use in the future will be ’heavy,’ with lots of carbon atoms and not so many hydrogen atoms.

“Here’s a graph from oil services giant Schlumberger that estimates the world’s heavy oil and bitumen resources. Canada’s 400 billion cubic meters of bitumen translates into something like 1.4 trillion barrels of oil equivalent. How much is that? Well, it’s about SEVEN times the total oil reserves of Saudi Arabia.

“Sure, there are still issues about land disturbance, settling ponds, water usage, gas usage and myriad of other things that come up when you’re spending billions of dollars on a major mining effort. But Syncrude has built its business model around dealing with the ’other’ issues, and not just moving oil sands and recovering oil products. Don’t underestimate the ability of the Alberta government to regulate its energy producers. This is a long way from Appalachia.

“Meanwhile, we’re talking about literally billions of barrels of bitumen (or oil equivalent) that the process makes available to the North American marketplace. And if the United States wants to get onto its environmental high horse about the source of the hydrocarbons from the oil sands — and tax or ban their importation — there are other buyers in the world. Like the Chinese, who have racked up many frequent flyer miles on their treks to Fort McMurray.”

There are stocks to own no matter who wins the battle over Canada’s oil sands… find them here, in the Outstanding Investments portfolio.

  One surprise batch of data today: France and Germany are technically out of recession. Both nations reported 0.3% GDP growth for the second quarter today. Given that the two are now Europe’s biggest economies, that’s surprisingly good news.

Should make for some fireworks from the PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Spain and an extra I for Italy) when the two start pestering the ECB to raise rates.

  “You mention that the short interest on stocks fell 12% in two weeks,” a reader writes. “No surprise there. With the SEC issuing its rule prohibiting ’naked short selling,’ risking personal insolvency to predict falling prices is now illegal. And just as there is now no ’downtick rule’ or mark-to-market accounting (not to mention the federal government’s interdiction against accurate financial reporting — a.k.a. ‘stress testing’ — and its outright ownership of significant areas of the economy, subsidized by the taxpayers), there is now no investment whistle to blow to sound the alarm for the unsuspecting public.

“Of course, much of the unsuspecting public is now so caught up in the economic game of musical chairs known as the Obama administration that they are too busy (and broke) to pay attention. This does not bode well for the futures of our children or our children’s children … you know, the ones to whom we are passing the buck!”

  “I served in the U.S. Navy for 8 years and did my share of ’spending like a drunken sailor,’” another reader writes. “I take offense at the notion that drunken sailors spend like power-mad politicians. Drunken sailors only spend what is in their pocket or what they won playing poker on the ship, but nonetheless once they’re broke, drunken sailors quit spending (and usually pass out).

“Please have your readers try to find a more appropriate analogy to wasteful spending by crooked politicians because those of us who were, and the ones who still are, drunken sailors spend within our means on things that are important to us (booze and babes). Thank you for your attention.”

The 5: Point taken… no sense in giving drunken sailors such a bad name.


Ian Mathias

The 5 Min. Forecast

P.S. Seriously, $1 for one month of Strategic Short Report and editor Dan Amoss’ latest short-financial play. Just one… single… dollar. What have you got to lose? Get it here.


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