Archive for the ‘Daily Issue’ Category

Two Weeks to Tyranny

Three years after COVID-19 tyranny descended, most of us still haven’t really processed it — perhaps because of the sheer speed with which everything happened. Read More

Biden Bucks: The Next Chapter

The U.S. government just took the next meaningful step toward bringing “Biden Bucks” into existence. Read More

Attention to Deficits Disorder

“I am not worried about the deficit. It is big enough to take care of itself.” – Ronald Reagan Why do they even bother calling it a “debt ceiling”? Every time Congress needs money to pay bills already incurred by… Read More

A Fistful Of Dollars

“You, me…we own this country. Politicians are employees of ours… And when somebody does not do the job, we got to let them go.” – Clint Eastwood We are living through a great and global inflation. It’s not ironic, really,… Read More

Why Socialism Is Good For Gold

“To expect the unexpected shows a thoroughly modern intellect.” — Oscar Wilde 2022 was the fifth-warmest year on record. It also had the third most billion-dollar disasters, according to scientists at the Copernicus Climate Change Service, with Europe clocking in… Read More

“Threats To Democracy” and so on

Our Session this week is called “The Real Anthony Fauci with Filmmaker Jeff Hays.” Jeff, known in Hollywood for his work on the documentary Fahrenhype-9/11, spent the last four years chasing the leads around vaccine policy and the manipulative, corruptive… Read More

When Good News Is Bad News

“I know I don’t got a lot up there, but what I got sure don’t feel too good.” — Tatum O’Neal, Bad News Bears In an attempt to parse through the confusion that is neverending interest rate hikes and irresponsible,… Read More

The Real Anthony Fauci Session with Filmmaker Jeff Hays

This week on TWS: The Real Anthony Fauci Session with Filmmaker Jeff Hays. Jeff is an award winning filmmaker, author, and television producer since the early nineties. I could spend a whole session or two on his extensive production bio,… Read More

[‘23 Trend #3] Crazy Rich Saudis, OPEC+ & the Global Energy Crisis with Mark Rossano

HOT TOPIC 2023: Crazy Rich Saudis, OPEC+ & the Global Energy Crisis with Mark Rossano. Mark Rossano is concerned about the Gulf of Mexico and the Jones Act. Any hang in the Gulf could set off a slew of supply… Read More

[‘23 Trend #2] Inside the Financial Contagion

HOT TOPIC 2023: “Central Banks are crushing the Real Economy” proclaims Nomi Prins, PhD in economics with an emphasis on central banks. She was the former managing director at Goldman Sachs. Nomi’s concern right now is that we’re entering a… Read More