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Archive for February 2021

Yes, in My Backyard! (YIMBY)

“Millennials are just aging to their PEAK buying years,” says Zach Scheidt. This industrywide shift — and others — makes homebuying a trend to watch… Read More

Life Cycle of a SPAC

“This trend isn’t going anywhere,” says our tech maven Ray Blanco. “So how can you invest in SPACs for profit?” Read More

The “Two-Thirds” Myth

Our biggest beef with GDP is that it’s a nigh-meaningless statistical abstraction. Now for a new spin on one of our long-standing complaints… Read More

The Stealth Dollar Crisis

The global power elite are set to declare a crisis of confidence in the U.S. dollar… Not that they’ll put it in those terms… Read More

Our Green (Nuclear) Future

Like it or not, a “greener” world will require more electricity, and — surprise — environmentalists are resorting to nuclear power. Read More

Showing up the Shorts

Per the Reddit/GameStop controversy, Ray Blanco says: “The culprit was a short squeeze.” Sure, you can short stocks (and profit), just be mindful of biased information. Read More

When Bubbles Pop

Everywhere you look, the business press is telling you the market is a bubble on the verge of bursting — which is almost a sure-fire indicator that it’s not. Read More

“We Have to Break Your Will”

Sometimes the people who presume to exercise political power over us become a little too honest about their motives…. Read More

Silver Confessions

We knew the silver-squeeze story wasn’t over. But we didn’t figure on a new chapter being written so quickly… Read More

Blooper Trades

They are, without a doubt, the dumbest stock trades ever… Read More