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Archive for May 2022

Biden’s Bully Schtick

Biden meets this afternoon with Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell. The main topic ahead of midterms, we surmise? Runaway inflation… Read More


“Every single macroeconomic data point is irrelevant in the digital world,” declares Andrew Zatlin. In contrast, he says: “My secret sauce is data that nobody else has access to.” Read More

The Numbers Don’t Lie

“When food prices soar, consumers shift their spending,” says Andrew Zatlin. “From an investment perspective, this creates winners and losers.” Read More

America First

Three months into the Ukraine war, everyday Americans are growing weary of elite demands for wartime sacrifice. Read More

Dangerous 401(k) Delusions

So-called “target date” retirement funds have problems the financial media continue to gloss over. Read More

Apple’s “Quadruple Whammy”

Our main topic today surrounds the world’s biggest company — or what was once the world’s biggest until it was recently eclipsed. Read More

Bear Markets Don’t Matter (When You’re Starving)

We interrupt this impending bear market for another timely warning about famine. Read More

Avoid This Bear-Market Blunder

“Could you share some suggestions for people who are stuck with margin loans?” a reader asks our income-and-retirement expert Zach Scheidt. Read More

Ruble Rebound (Oops)

Let’s see… How is Washington’s campaign of economic warfare against Moscow going? Read More

The “Strong Dollar” Myth

You can’t escape headlines in the Establishment media about the strong U.S. dollar. But… strong compared with what? Read More